Download Michael S. Kelly - SSWAA Workshop: The Domains and Demands of School Social Work Practice : A Guide to Working Effectively with Students, Families, and Schools in DJV, FB2, MOBI


School social work enters its second century as a profession still conflicted about its central mission. Are school social workers meant to be "in-house" clinicians providing services to kids in need, or are they meant to be involved in program development to enhance the social and emotional learning of all students in a school? How much time should they devote to serving whole families, or consulting with teachers? Whatever school social workers claim to do in their schools, it's clear that they are going to have to prove that they are effective doing it. The demands of federal legislation like No Child Left Behind and state requirements for certification are making it increasingly necessary that school social workers demonstrate that they are highly qualified school-based mental health and social service professionals who can demonstrate outcomes that impact school "bottom line" issues like student achievement, attendance, and behavior. Rather than recoil from this pressure, school social workers can utilize the skills of evidence based practice (EBP) to help them enhance both their effectiveness and their knowledge of interventions that work to help students, teachers, parents, and staff in school contexts. A succinct SSWAA Workshop volume, The Domains and Demands of School Social Work Practice demonstrates how EBP can be integrated into school social worker's daily practice, advancing the debate about where social workers can and should intervene, and how to do so effectively. Highlighting primary clinical issues, family problems, and school-wide needs faced by school social workers, it helps practitioners make the best use of evidence to be flexible, effective advocates at all levels of practice., The Domains and Demands of School Social Work Practice is a lively survey of the reality of school social work, showing readers where and how they can practice most effectively. Whether they provide clinical services to students, develop programs for whole schools, or consult with families and teachers, school social workers will find in this volume a gold mine of advice for navigating the varied terrain of school-based practice and demonstrating the effectiveness of their services. The author's practical advice and commitment to the principles of evidence-based practice (EBP) illustrate how school social workers can provide outcomes that impact school "bottom line" issues such student achievement, attendance, and behavior. A wealth of case examples and practical guidance in the EBP process bring accountability within easy reach of school professionals, helping to enhance both their effectiveness and their knowledge of interventions that have been proven to help students, teachers, parents, and staff. Highlighting the most pressing clinical issues, family problems, and school-wide needs faced by school social workers, this small but information-packed volume demonstrates how practitioners can make the best use of evidence to be flexible, effective advocates at all levels of practice. clear and accessible writing helps readers apply research and guidelines to their unique settings, state and national survey data demonstrate the need for evidence-based practice in schools, equally useful for students, school social workers unfamiliar with EBP, and experienced practitioners, case studies from the author's own experience are woven throughout. Book jacket.

Read online SSWAA Workshop: The Domains and Demands of School Social Work Practice : A Guide to Working Effectively with Students, Families, and Schools DJV, MOBI

School leaders use the guiding principles to shape and inform decisions, no matter how mundane or expansive, and to gauge if the decision intentionally or unintentionally impacts students' access to learning.Many organizations, regardless of size, industry, or geography, realize that it is strategically imperative to effectively onboard leaders into new roles and combine teams during M&A and reorganization.His path to leadership was about as unlikely as they come.Now, in Leading with Focus, he shows administrators, principals, and other education leaders how to apply his model to the work of running schools and districts.His graphic approach is grotesque, droll, and it rags on reality as masses of kids knew and still know it., You only think you know this story.In search of the truth and buoyed by the knowledge that what he finds may implicate Sergeant Chambers, Jack seeks answers from the enigmatic Rana, and soon their fates become intertwined.Each chapter starts with step-by-step instructions for a technique so the reader is well versed in making pasta shapes and dishes.Pourfendeur du vice et amoureux timide, escrimeur et poète accompli, homme de l'ombre et de la lumière, Cyrano ne manque pas de panache et sait se moquer audacieusement de lui-même et de son nez, objet de sa disgr'ce.If so, Anne Hayward's practical, accessible book will tell you all you need to know in bite size, digestible chunks.